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Prince and the revolution parade – Around the world in a day° (Capa digitalizada)


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Vinil em bom estado. Capa digitalizada.
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Álbum “Around the World in a Day” de Prince and The Revolution. Lançado em 1985, este álbum marcou uma mudança de estilo para Prince, apresentando um som mais psicodélico e experimental em comparação com seus trabalhos anteriores. Aqui está a lista de faixas do álbum:

Lado A:

  1. Around The World In A Day – 3:25
    Backing Vocals – David Coleman, Jonathan Melvoin, Susannah, The Revolution
    Cello, Oud, Finger Cymbals, Goblet Drum – David Coleman
    Tambourine – Jonathan Melvoin
  2. Paisley Park – 4:41
    Violin Performance By – Novi Novog
  3. Condition Of The Heart – 6:46
    Instruments [All Instruments], Voice [All Voices] – Prince
  4. Raspberry Beret – 3:31
    Strings [String Section], Cello – David Coleman, Suzi Katayama
    Strings [String Section], Violin – Novi Novog
  5. Tamborine – 2:46
    Instruments [All Instruments], Voice [All Voices] – Prince

Lado B:

  1. America – 3:40
    Tambourine – Brad Marsh
  2. Pop Life – 3:42
    Composed By [String Interlude Composed By], Conductor [String Interlude Conducted By] – Lisa, Wendy
    Drums [Drums Performed By] – Sheila E.
    Strings [String Interlude], Cello – David Coleman, Suzi Katayama
    Strings [String Interlude], Double Bass – Annette Atkinson, Tim Barr
    Strings [String Interlude], Viola – Denyse Buffum, Laury Woods
    Strings [String Interlude], Violin – Marcy Dicterow Vaj, Sid Page
  3. The Ladder – 5:26
    Saxophone [Saxophone Playing By] – Eddie M.
    Voice [Background Voices Are] – Lisa, Susannah, Taj, Wendy
  4. Temptation – 8:21
    Saxophone – Eddie M.

Informação adicional

Peso0,3 kg
Dimensões35 × 35 × 0,6 cm


  • Disco
  • Capa