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Sound Effects Volume 10 º


1 em estoque

Capa em bom estado. vinil em bom estado.

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A1 Airplane Interior: Start Engines 0:33
A2 Air Pistol: Two Targets 0:40
A3 Rain On Shed: Window Closed 0:50
A4 Meat Grinder 0:53
A5 Airplane Interior: Test Engines 0:31
A6 Sunny Meadow 1:17
A7 Bird Near Stream 0:24
A8 Airplane Interior: Take-Off 0:53
A9 Children With Ducks In Zoo 0:57
A10 Escalator Ride 0:44
A11 Horse Eating Apples 0:41
A12 Commercial Clothes Presser 0:45
A13 Elevator Control System 2 1:03
A14 Gardening Cart 0:54
A15 Fireside 5:03
B1 Airplane Interior: Bumpy Air In Flight 1:07
B2 Printing Press Rhythms 1:13
B3 City Park: Baseball 0:46
B4 Clothes Dryer 0:35
B5 Lovely Fountain 0:26
B6 Cat Growling 0:45
B7 Playground: Children On Slide 0:50
B8 Electric Pump 2 0:45
B9 Mountain Stream 2 0:51
B10 Shoe Repair: Trimmer, Sander, Nailer, Stitcher 1:46
B11 Ambulance With Police Escort 0:19
B12 Small Cement Mixer 0:45
B13 Bus Stop In Rain 2:59
B14 Airplane Interior: Land, Taxi, Stop 3:15

Informação adicional

Peso0,3 kg
Dimensões35 × 35 × 0,6 cm

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